After all these years I have decided to revisit this drawing-a-day idea. I need to sharpen my drawing skills, and daily drawing is a good habit for any artistic person. Good drawing skills are the foundation of any creative, artistic adventure you are interested in. Since I want to be successful on this drawing journey, I decided to set out boundaries and guidelines for myself – after all, I am an artist and can get distracted, or even veer off on a totally new tangent without even looking back…
I decided to share these guidelines for you on both my blog and my website. I hope they will help you decide to take this adventure too. Here are some tips to get you started:
The next thing I need is an organized studio space I will not be doing all of my drawing in my studio, but it just makes me feel better to organize first. When I am in the middle of a project, my studio space ALWAYS gets disorganized!!!!! So, to clear my mind, and get rid of at least one of the typical distractions, I organize.
Feel free to post your drawings under the comments. I will be posting drawings from our Creating Art Together Group once a week for the next month.